Lots on council agenda

Lethbridge Herald - A long-term look at Lethbridge Transit, a tourism initiative at Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, and a request for funding for the Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee will highlight a busy Lethbridge City Council agenda today.
Presentations are anticipated from Kevin Ponech, Transit Manager, on a Lethbridge Transit 10-Year Strategic Routing Plan; from Amanda Scout, Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee, on a request for funding; and from Brad Hembroff, president of the Lethbridge and District Japanese Garden Society and William Slender, Executive Director of the Lethbridge Destination Management Organization, on a tourism initiative and Lafcadio Japanese Garden Friendship.
A submission is planned by David Sarsfield, Deputy City Clerk, on the 2018 Municipal Census.
Coun. Mark Campbell, who is Chair of the Open and Effective Government Committee, will also make submissions on Public Participation Policy and a Public Engagement Strategy for the 2019-2022 City of Lethbridge Operating Budget Process.
Other items on the agenda include a submission by Coun. Rob Miyashiro on a Community Design Committee Terms of Reference Amendment; and Bob Campbell, Chair Social Housing in Action (SHIA) Committee of Council, on ASHA renovation and allocation of surplus Outreach Support Services Initiative (OSSI) Funds.
Today’s Lethbridge City Council meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. at city hall. It is open to the public.