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Worker Wellness

Voluntary and regular health checks on the property with a health professional who can answer questions
about COVID-19.

List of OPEN buildings and businesses along routes with access to public washrooms.

Appropriate leave policy, including moratorium on discipline for attendance occurrence related to COVID-19,
and a complement of 15 days of paid Pandemic Leave.

Fully-paid testing for exposed workers.

Fully-paid treatment for infected workers.

Protocol for isolating workers when it is suspected that they have been exposed to, or infected with, COVID-19; tracking potentially exposed coworkers and informing them of the concerns.

Provide enhanced income protection and guaranteed compensation paid to dependents in case of COVID-19 infection leading to fatality or critical illness.
Local Union Input

Establish joint labor-management COVID-19 committee to study impacts and make recommendations to protect the health of transit workers and the riding public.
Public Health

Adequate service levels to avoid unhealthy overcrowding in transit vehicles and stations.

Posting of exposure risk and tips for reducing spread of COVID-19 in vehicles, facilities and bus stops.

Protocol for reporting appropriately to public health authorities.
Safety On The Job

Necessary personal protective equipment, consistent with best practices and the enclosed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Checklist.

Proper cleaning and disinfecting of vehicles and facilities, consistent with best practices and the enclosed Cleaning and Disinfecting Checklist.

Proper safety procedures for bus and train operators and monitors, consistent with best practices and the enclosed Vehicle Operation Checklist.

Protocol for reporting suspected contamination, infection and breaches of PPE.
For more information on ATU’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), prevention tips for members,
legislation and more, please frequently visit for updates.