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Cleaning and Disinfecting Contaminated Vehicles and Facilities
(and Those Suspected of Contamination)

Immediate removal of vehicle from service.

Immediate closing to the public and non-essential personnel of any portion of a facility suspected of contamination.

Doors and windows of vehicles and facilities left open long enough for air changes to remove potentially infectious particles. No less than one hour before cleaning and disinfecting vehicles. Up to 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting facilities.

Thoroughly clean and disinfect entire vehicle or areas of facility suspected of contamination.

Remove and launder all clothing of personnel who may have had contact with a sick individual or contaminated surfaces.
Pre-Route Disinfecting of Vehicles

High-touch areas such as steering wheels, controls and grabrails wiped down with disinfectant.

If operators perform pre-shift disinfecting, they should be provided with (a) disposable gloves and disinfecting wipes; and (b) enough time to perform the work, dispose properly of gloves and wipes, and wash hands.
Routine Cleaning And Disinfecting Of Vehicles And Facilities

As frequently as possible, but in no case less than daily. More than once daily for vehicles serving high-risk passengers (e.g., paratransit vans and school buses serving medically fragile students), and high traffic transit stations and bus stops.

Use of disinfectants recognized as effective with regard to COVID-19, such as those on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s list in its Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19.

Use of electrostatic sprayers, which positively charge the disinfectant mist so that it better coats surfaces.