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Limit Spread of Infected Vehicles

Assign vehicles so as to limit the number of different vehicles a worker uses in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 from infected workers to their coworkers.
Rear Door Boarding

Rear door boarding of all passengers, other than those who need a wheelchair ramp to board.

Installation of cordon or barrier to prevent use of front seats by passengers other than those in a wheelchair (or similar mobility device).

Elimination of all fare collection.

Sign on front door directing passengers to rear, but noting availability of wheelchair ramp to passengers needing such

Protocol for assisting passengers with wheelchairs; and adequate gloves, wipes and hand sanitizer to assist safely with wheelchair securement.

Protocol for ensuring that passengers with vision impairments and intellectual disabilities receive necessary assistance to navigate rear door entry.
Air Quality

Installation of two-stage HEPA air filters on buses and rail cars to reduce viral and bacterial loads.
Emergency Removal from Service

Protocol for emergency removal from service of an operator and vehicle where there is good cause to believe the operator and vehicle have been exposed to or infected with COVID-19, for example after passengers declare themselves to be infected.