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Lobby Day

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See below for updates on the Louisiana bills!

  1. AFL-CIO Lobby Day: Thursday April 18th. Flyer is attached. Rough schedule--meet outside Capitol at 8:30, go into House Labor committee hearing for 9, lunch back outside after the hearing, organize into small groups by HD/SD and go back in to talk to legislators. Please spread the word!
  2. The House weekly schedule for next week is posted, including the House Labor committee schedule. Basically all of our Tier 1 bad bills are scheduled, including HBs 119, 156, 571, 572, 712, 919, and 956. 
  3. Free the Boot landing page/website: Please go to and send people to and/or Currently, it features our petition on protecting workers' freedom, and it will soon be more of a traditional website with Home, About, and Issues pages, as well as all of our actions.