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Take Action



As a transit worker, school bus employee or over-the-road bus worker, your job, wages and working conditions are directly linked to politics. Representatives in federal, state and local government make crucial decisions every day that determine the amount of funding available to your transit system or school district, the safety and security requirements at your workplace, your bargaining rights, and more.

As the largest transit worker Political Action Committee (PAC) in the United States, ATU-COPE is the voice of transit workers, school bus employees and over-the-road bus workers at all levels of government. Since by law, union dues cannot be used to fund political campaigns, voluntary member contributions to ATU-COPE are used to help elect pro-labor, pro-transit candidates for local, state and federal office and then hold them accountable once they are elected.

Federal law prohibits ATU COPE from soliciting contributions from individuals who are not ATU members, ATU and its affiliates’ executive and administrative staff, and their families.  Any contribution received from any other individual will not be accepted and will be returned to that individual.


If your Local has a checkoff provision in its contract, contact your Local for a Checkoff Authorization Card to voluntarily authorize your employer to deduct an amount you specify from your pay each month for ATU-COPE.

You can donate online with a credit or debit card by clicking on the "Donate Now" button above.

If you contribute now, thank you. Please consider increasing your contribution.

If you don’t participate, this is ideal time to begin.

Every dollar helps!

ATU 1546 Black Caucus

Brothers and Sisters of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1546 are encouraged to join and support the formation of a Black Brotherhood and sisterhood caucus was dedicated to the empowerment of all working men and women within the ATU.

To join please contact the ATU Local 1546 Black Caucus President Inez Bowie @ or ATU Local 1546 Black Caucus Vice President Donte Jackson @

National Leadership

Jeffrey Richardson (Local 1342) President
Kareem Howard (Local 85) Vice President
Chantel Daniels (Local 1197) Secretary-Treasurer
Pandora Holman (Local 788) Recording Secretary

Northwest Region: Rose Jordan – Local 757
Western Region: Eddie Turner – Local 1555
Southwest Region: Valerie Jefferson – Local 1560
Mid-West Region: Penny McCoach – Local 308
Northeast Region: Corey Sellers – Local 726
Southeast Region: Patricia Giles - Local 732
Canada: Tameka McLaren - Local 113

ATU 1546 Black Caucus