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Tonight’s Presidential Debate

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Union members have fought hard for what’s in our contracts. We’ve stood on picket lines, sat at bargaining tables, and we held firm for our co-workers, our families and for the future.

We’ll be following the #CNNDebate tonight at 9 p.m. ET and reacting in real time to what the candidates’ policies and values mean for working people. Here’s how you can take part:

One year ago, the AFL-CIO General Board endorsed President Biden for re-election because of his record of accomplishments for working people. Fifteen million new jobs. Historic investments in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Saving our pensions. Bringing manufacturing jobs back home. Our unions are on the line in this election—and so are union members’ hard-won contracts.

But tonight, we want you to hear from the candidates and decide for yourself.

Thanks for tuning in this evening ahead of this critical election for working people!

In Solidarity,